Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

example and explanation of copywrite

·         Glittering Generality : the viewer is given a general feeling for the product,but not much else
Examples of the technic :
1.       Pond’s age miracle : this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because this product give a viewer general feeling that if we use this product we can be looks ten years younger than our age.(not really be a younger than before,but looks younger).
2.       Garnier whitening cream :  this advertise is include the example of glittering generality because in this advertise said that if we use this product , it could make our face looks more white than before.(not change your face skin colour if your original face skin colour isn’t white,but could make it looks more white).

·         Facts and figure : statistic and objective factual information and used to prove the superiority of the product.
Examples of the technic :
1.       Pepsodent whitening expert : This advertise is include the example of facts and figure because this product shows the viewer about the objective factual information with the dentist research and experiment that only with 30 seconds using this product can make our teeth more white.
2.       Rexona whitening extra : This advertise is include the example of facts and figure because this product shows the viewer about the objective factual information that by the sunflower subtance,result of research, and only with two weeks use,could make your underarm skin colour more white than before.

·         Weasel words : used to suggest a positive meaning without actually really making any guarantee.
Examples of the technic :
1.         Sozzis so nice : This advertise is include the example of weasel words because         this product uses a word that if you want to be a winner you must eat sozzis,but             it isn’t make guarantee if you eat it you will be a winner,because, of course you                have to study hard if you wanna be a winner,not just with eat the sozzis.   
2.         Garnier whitening cream : This advertise is include the example of weasel
         Words because this product uses words that if you want your face skin colour
         Looks more white you must use garnier,although it isn’t make a guarantee
      If you use this product your skin would be white because all depend on your
         Original skin colour.(such as papua people,if they use this product,it couldn’t
         Make their skin colour be white,because their original skin is dark).
  •  Band Wagon: use peer presure to influence the consumer . If everyone else is doing it,so should you
Examples of the technic:
1.         Galaxy Tab: it offers high technology like, fast internet access.have a good style and easy to carry for everyday life.
2.         LG Cinema 3D, Smart TV: offering the nowdays technology and new features at LCD tv usch as: Comfortable 3D glasses, cinema screen design, 3D world app, magic motion remote,smart share plus and premium local content.Added a new design for new TV like slim and luxurious design.

·          Confusion : gains the consumer attention by confusion them and then retains the attention as the consumer tries to figure out the message
 Examples of technic:
1.         Sony Handycam:this ads show about the girl who has a concert but her father can't come to her concert n her mom try to recorded her concert with handycam,so when they go home,the girl's father can watch her concert. the message that the advertisement gave to the audience that we never missed anything about something special with people who we loved because you can record every single moment with Sony Handycam.
2.         Say No To corruptor:  this ads show about the boy who has a bad manner since he was child until he grows be adult person,where he like to lie.the message from this advertise is no matter how old you are being an honest person is important. so we can have a good job,good life,good financial but doesn't mean we can accept any bribe from any other people who has a bad purpose.

·         Transfer: associates the product with word or idea that may or maynot be related to the product the association seeks to transfer certain qulity to the product.
Examples of technic :
1.         Three: there's no relation between the real advertisement with a person saying something about "freedom in life" but in the end of the advertisment an actual meaning show up.and then the audience might know the meaning of the advertisement it self.
2.         Nutrilon Royal: there are lots of kid talking about life is an adventure, but there's no relation between drinking a milk and then you will get an adventure at that time.

·         Stacking : list of reasons why the product or service is good.
Examples of technic :
1.         Aqua : the ads shows the customer the quality of the product through the research of water source in mountains.because of the quantity of the product has been around for a long time, so the customer knows the quality of the product.
2.         LG LCD Smart Tv : because product is well known among the customer. because the ads shows that the product has a luxurious design and offers with technology such as 3D, slim design, unlimited  content, and lots of applications.

·         Repetition : makes product or service familiar with consumer
Examples of technic :
1.         dancow : because the kid who sings the song makes dancow familiar with consumer. so, if  consumer watch the ads, they can guess the ads is Dancow.
2.         Bebelac : because everytime the ads appears on tv, people doesnt have to see what's the ads is. but they might be know the ads is Bebelac who familiar with the ads soundtrack.

·         Slogan : identifies product or service with an idea.
Examples of technic :
1.    Rinso : this ads shows an idea with their slogan "berani kotor itu baik", it means we dont have to be afraid play dirty, because there's Rinso will help you to clean your clothes with extra formula.
2.    Panasonic: this ads shows an idea "ideas for life" which means that you have to use Panasonic products for your needs and everything's gonna be easy.

·         Logo : identifies product or service with a symbol.
Examples of technic :
1.    Converse : if  you see the symbol of Converse, you will know that's the Converse products.
2.    Apple : if you see a bite apple, easily to recognize what the product offers.

·        Snob Appeal : associates product or service with a personality or lifestyle.
Examples of technic :
1.    Luwek White coffee:  because the ads gives a lifestlye about drinking coffee at cafe or can still shows ur personal style even ur not in cafe. u can easily drinking a coffee.
2.    Ford fiesta : the ads offers the nowdays city car that match for a young adult lifestyle.we can using that car for daily activities.
  • Causes and Effects: use this product or service and your problem will disappear.
1.    Colgate: in this advertisement the dentist told someone who just walked out of a grocery store to check her gums to see if it’s healthy or not, turns out that her gum isn’t in a good condition (according to the advertisement). The dentist told her to use this product and the advertisement shows that after two weeks of continual use of the product, the gum of that woman is perfectly healthy.
2.    Rexona white: the advertisement told us that waxing the hair in your lower arms can caused the skin around that area to be a lot darker than its real shade/complexion. The advertisement also told us that by using this product, the complexion of your lower arm skin that’s darken by waxing can be ‘fixed’ only by using the product.
  • Emotional appeal: uses emotion to sell a product or service (pity, patriotism, happiness, etc.)
1.    Mizone: the advertisement of this product shows that even when you’re  feeling down or when you zoned out because of the lack of electrolyte within your body this product can fix your day just by drinking it. Turning your sour mood into a happier one.
2.    Canon ixus: this advertisement shows that no matter what you feel, or how bad you might feel right now, you can put all of those bad feelings aside by using this camera to capture everything around you, turning your messy moods into a happier one.

  • Price appeal: costumers will get something extra in trade for less money.
1.         Attack: just by spending RP. 500,- you can get many dirty laundry cleaned up. Because you dont have to use much of the product to clean your dirty laundry. (The product has some kind of ‘extra cleaning power’ so you don’t have to use much of it, and you can save your money, your time plus you can also get your laundry cleaned up).
2.         Asia travel: this advertisement offers a ‘special vacation packages’ for the costumer, so that with just a few thousand dollars cheaper than the real price, the costumers can get an extra destinations for their vacations, and a 5% cash awards.

  • Testimonial: using someone to endorse or give testimonials about the product.
1.         Sunsilk Conditioner: Thomas Taw, a famous hair stylist shows the costumers of how ‘great’ this product is by giving his professional testimonial about the product along with some good facts about the product.
2.         “Enjoy Jakarta”; vacation destination: in this advertisement a businessman give his thoughts about Jakarta from the way he sees it. “It has great shopping centre, great golf course, many cultures,etc.”, or so the businessman said. Above all, it shows that the businessman actually enjoys the time he stays in Jakarta.

  • Sex appeal: the product will enhance your attractiveness.
1.         Veet: the advertisement say that a smooth skinned (definitely not hairy) woman is pretty. So that a woman should wax the hair on their legs or their under arms to be seen as pretty or attractive. This product help those women who wants to get rid of those ‘unnecessary’ hairs, because this product helps woman to cut those hairs deep enough to ‘almost’ touch the root of those hairs, making it impossible for those hairs to grow so fast, in other words, this product makes you attractive.
2.         Ponds white beauty: This advertisement shows the conversation that took place in a small lounge between Gita Gutawa and Bunga Citra Lestari in which Gita shows BCL the picture of her past, when she’s still a kid and gita said that her face looks kind of dirty and dull back then but after she uses the product her skin’s gone brighter and it enhace her looks to the point where boys are chasing after her.

·        Magic Ingeridients: the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionaly effective

1.         Pocari sweat: the advertisement suggest the consumer that  pocari sweat could restore your ion for your body.
with their slogan "go ion" it means if you drink it you have a new spirit to continue your activities.
2.         Glyderm: the advertisement offers for the the give birth mom to disguise a strechmark in her stomach.
or any other scar in your skin.

·        Patriotism : the suggestion that purchashing this product shows your love of your country.

1.    Maspion: the advertisement suggest the indonesian people to use local product to show that we proud and care to using it.
2.    Kuku bima energi:
the advertisement suggest the consumer to consume the energy drink made by indonesian ingredients.
and the advertise shows the culture about indonesia.

·        Bribery: seems to give desirable extra something
1. Ramayana :
the advertisement offers if you buy 1 product you will get 1 free or discount so it would be cheaper that the real price.
2. J.C.O: the product offers if you buy 2 ozen donuts the price cheaper than if you buy doze the product give the special price for attract the consumer.

·        Wit and humour: customer are attractted to product that divered the audience by giving viewers a reason to laugh or to be entertainer by clever use visual oral languange.


1.       Mie sedap: the advertisement give a humor and clever story,because there is a kids play a football and broke the windows and the owner asking who's did it.and the kids said "kita lagi latihan, tante"
and they laugh, sudden the madam feed them 'mie sedap'.
2.       Djarum 76: there's a man get a refuse by a company that he applied because he cannot give a bribe and then he walked out and unrealize he stumble and the genie's out and asking 'what a man wants' the man said he want corruption,bribe are dissapear. and unpredictable the geni'e said 'wani piro?'.

·        Technical jargon : use the technical words to impress the consumer.
Examples of technic :
1.       Sanken wash machine : this ads use technical words to impress the consumer that only with 150 watt we can use this machine for  wash so the payment of electricity could saving your money.
2.       Sabun cuci 500 perak : this ads use technical words to impress the consumer that just by spending RP. 500,- you can get many dirty laundry cleaned up. Because you dont have to use much of the product to clean your dirty laundry. (The product has some kind of ‘extra cleaning power’ so you don’t have to use much of it, and you can save your money, your time plus you can also get your laundry cleaned up).

·        Name calling : the advertiser compares its product or service to the competition in a way tht is favourable to the advertise .
Examples of technic :
1.         Hit : the ads shows the compare with another brand which already known by people,because of the substances in that product have a good quality than the other so tht is favourable to the advertise.
2.         Aqua : the ads shows the customer the quality of the product through the research of water source in mountains.because of the quantity of the product has been around for a long time, so the customer knows the quality of the product.

·    Plain folks : the advertiser price to identifies its product with common people does like you.
Examples of technic :
1.    Sabun cuci 500 perak : the ads is common for people because the price has a gret deal tht just by spending RP. 500,- you can get many dirty laundry cleaned up. Because you dont have to use much of the product to clean your dirty laundry. (The product has some kind of ‘extra cleaning power’ so you don’t have to use much of it, and you can save your money, your time plus you can also get your laundry cleaned up).
2.    Simpati : the ads shows the common price tht just with Rp1250 rupiahs we can enjoy the unlimited internet access.

·    Avante Garde : the suggestion tht using this product puts the user ahead of the time.
Examples of technic:
1.    BSI : the ads suggest the consumer that if we have an education in BSI,our future could get easily to get a job.
2.    Mandiri tabungan pendidikan(asuransi) :  The ads suggest the consumer tht if we have an education savings in mandiri,it could make us easier to pay an education cost in the future.

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