Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Retell story "mysterious Affair at Styles" - Agatha Christie

Retell story "mysterious Affair at Styles" - Agatha Christie
Name : Emanuela Claresta  S.
NPM : 12612482
Class : 1SA01
Mysterious Affair at Styles
Be told a man with the name Hastings who be a first person (point of view) in this story.
Hasting delivered from battlefield as an invalid and given a one-month leave. While he was enjoying his leave and in that occasion he met John Cavedish – Hastings’s old friend when they were kid. John was 45 years old - 15 years older than Hastings. After that John Cavendish invited Hastings came to John cavendish’s house and stay for a while and they went together to the Styles Court. In that meeting, John told about his family after a long time John and Hasting hadn’t met. John told about his stepmother that was most generous woman, and possessed a considerable fortune of her own. But his stepmother had got married with Alfred Inglethorp  after John’s father death.  He told also about his wife,Mary Cavendish,and they had got married about two years. Mary Cavendish was a pretty one and full of authorithy and for a moment made Hastings echanted with her. John had ever worked as a lawyer but he most enjoying his life as a farmer.John had a one brother,his name was Lawrence and one sister who adopted by his stepmother,the name was Cynthia Murdock.she was a nurse and she was a beautiful one with her small body and shiny-gold hair. John had one a faithful servant in his house the name was Evelyn Howard.
All of John’s family members hated Inglethorp and always thought why his stepmother got married with the man who 20 years younger than her.  Almost all thought that Inglethorp just wanted to took Mrs.Inglethorp’s wealth – He would killed Ny.Inglethorp and took the money. Especially Evie the servant that very very hated Mr.Inglethorp. Until the time when there was an conflict between Mrs.Inglethorp and Evie,Evie told her that Inglethorp would killed her  in her bed and got her money but Mrs.Inglethorp still defended Alfred. And after that Evie went from John’s House and decided to stopped as a servant.  And after that in a one night after dinner,John felt that something unusual with his mom and He suggested Hastings to check his mother’s room and suddenly got that the door was locked and after they tried to opened it,got that Mrs.Inglethorp was in a dangered and she said “alfred,Alfred” and after tht she die. All of members of family woke up and shocked with it,but peculiarity that Alfred didn’t in there. And it made all family accused alfred as a murderer with gave her poison. Tomorrow morning, Hastings offered Poirot-his friend that very expert detective,he was a man from France. John allowed Hasting to offered Poirot as a detective(do some investigation). And immediately investigations conducted. And there’s some person and close relatives tht in involved in this case,either who in suspicion as a murderer or who involved in investigations. There was Dr.Baurstein as one of relatives who close enough with this family especially Mary,and they were rumored had a special relationship,Japp as a detective also,he was an  Poirot’s friend that helped him in this case,Scotland Yard who involved in the investigation,the drugs seller,Inglethorp,John,and Mary Cavendish. This case was so mysterious,so that reporters broadcasted news in newspaper about this case and it made the family be stressed. And until the time,Poirot found some clues and evidence such as salt,a glass of chocolate that spilled in Mrs.Inglethorp room,tonic,a glass of coffee that broke, some shreads of letter,green cloth,but he still doubt with it and need some another evidence to convinced this case. His investigation was helped also by Hastings. Dr.Baurstein was also examined the chocolate,was it contain of sychterine(a poison) or not. All of the member of Inglethorp’s family given some questions concerning abt this case from Dorcas a servant,two of gardener in that house,Anie as a servant also who at tht time gave MrsInglethorp a glass of chocolate,Mary tht ever had some conflict with Mrs.Inglethorp,  after that Lawrence,Alfred Inglethorp and a drug seller. Some suspicion as murderer had delegated also to John, Dr.Baurstein, and Alfred Inglethorp.That told that John who killed his mom where he bought sychterine in a drug store and there’s also who accuse Dr.Baurstein(because he was a doctor so it was easy to accused him who gave the poison),and the last Alfred who accused gave the poison,actually Poirot knew tht the murderer was Inglethorp but he deliberately let Alfred free from accusation,because the rules in Styles if there’s a one who got guilty ,he or she couldn’t detained in the same case.And indeed,Alfred was a clever one,he tried to made other case that he pretended had a specialrelationship with Mrs.Raikes- his friend and so he would rumored and could be free from accusation- Poirot knew abt that also. But suddenly Hastings had a suspicion with Evie where that she very hated Alfred n the way she hated alfred was so weird and preculiarity.And Poirot had ever said that the man who mostly hated by someone could be the one who loved.

and finally after a very very long investigation Poirot explained about the truth of this case that The murderer was Alfred Inglethorp and a woman that never be presumed was Evelyn Howard,and this case was revealed finally because of the letter who Inglethorp wrote for Evie
"'Dearest Evelyn:
'You will be anxious at hearing nothing. It is all right—only it will be to-night instead of last night. You understand. There's a good time coming once the old woman is dead and out of the way. No one can possibly bring home the crime to me. That idea of yours about the bromides was a stroke of genius! But we must be very circumspect. A false step——'
And evidently a brains of these killings was Evie who tried to poison Mrs.Inglethorp by mixed some bromida to the tonic tht Mrs.Inglethorp had,and indeed the tonic consist of syctherine,and the bromida precipitate the syctherine so when it drunk it could be poison. And a person who were in the room at the time that gave her a poison was Evie who pretended to be Inglethorp. And the time of the murder, Inglethorp went to his friend’s house(Mrs.Raikes) and stayed in order that be free of charges the suspect.
Finally Inglethorp and Evie was be arrested and detained.

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